Friday, June 17, 2005

title:war Posted by Hello(iran army),its about the war we had for 8 years with iraq,about 16 years ago)
description:u can see a bomb in even the motorcycle! :) look this with zoom-in!,it has alot of interesting details


Blogger David said...

These children certainly have very active imaginations! I like the idea of the sun-ring. I wonder how she thought of that? :) Are christmas trees common in Iran? I thought that was mostly a European and American tradition. I am just a bit surprised to see it in a child's drawing. Regarding the war picture, I am a little sad that a child would draw a picture like this. I went through a phase where I drew pictures of tanks, but I was about 13 years old. Besides my tanks were more for comic relief in boring classes. They were armed with stink bombs and other non-lethal but amusing weapons. :)

June 18, 2005 10:52 AM  
Blogger Tsul Trim said...

we had a war with iraq that lasted for about 8 years,there are a lot of people of my age or even younger ,whose father got killed in that war,
most of these people are from the deprived and working class of means that now a days they have neither a father nor money nor any possibile opportunity to gain what they deserve

June 18, 2005 9:38 PM  
Blogger David said...

Dear Tsul Trim,

I did not mean to speak lightly of war in general or the war between Iran and Iraq. I am very sorry if it seemed that way. I am surprised and disappointed to hear that the children whose father's were killed in the war are not being taken care of by the government of Iran. It seems to me that these children deserve to be given the food, shelter, and education that they need to have a bright and successful future!

June 19, 2005 12:09 AM  
Blogger Tsul Trim said...

it is a sad thing,but is real,most of people when they hear about these real things,places or people ,just say"it mustn't be like that"and they forget all they v heard,as they finish theyre sentence...u know?it is enough for each person to just one time walk in that streets and see those people,to be determined to help them,with what ever she has or can,..its a very sad place,...i think these people can be found in all countries,but most of the people prefer not seeing them :(

June 20, 2005 12:22 AM  
Blogger Tsul Trim said...

becauase seeing them ,brings resposibility about them,even further more brings responsibility about the way that you deal with ur life,wishes,demands,.. for most of people handling this responsibility is a difficult fact, because it makes u to overlook and giveup the things that has benefit just for urself,it even changes the way that you think,change itself frightens people,consider it when it be plussed with responsibility and omiting ur own benefits...

June 20, 2005 1:07 AM  
Blogger David said...

I agree with you! Many people in America only care about themselves. They ignore the suffering of others or they think that those others deserve the life they have. I have never been able to ignore suffering. I can empathize or feel the emotions of other people. I think that some people do not want to acknowledge suffering because if they really see it, they become very afraid that it could happen to them.

June 20, 2005 11:16 AM  

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